Environmental Compliance | 229-567-2323 259 | East Washington Avenue Ashburn Ga, 31714
City of Ashburn’s Police/ Fire Department takes care of the compliance violations for abandoned vehicles, unsafe structures, and business licenses. Clean up activities have been initiated by the city in order to improve the appearance of the community, and efforts remain underway to abate unsafe houses. Raymond McCoy is the City’s Animal Control officer. Animal Control is also supervised by the City of Ashburn’s Police Department
Spencer Wynn
Director of Public Safety | 229-567-2323 |
121 East Madison Ave, Ashburn, Ga, 31744
Richard Purvis

Gas & Water Department | 229-567-2424 | 291 Mills Street Ashburn Ga, 31714
Ashburn’s gas and water department maintains four six hundred feet deep wells, the potable water and sanitary sewer distribution systems, and the right-of-ways for the lines. Monitoring the wells, fluoride, chloride and flow, along with leak repairs, make for a full agenda. Aging line replacements, training, and new service connections add to the workload. The department has a goal to provide the best quality drinking water to the customers at the lowest cost possible.
Ashburn owns and operates both a natural gas distribution system within the City, but also provide propane gas in Ashburn and throughout Turner County, for economical, clean, dependable and safe heating, cooking, and hot water for our customers, and serves the agribusiness and industrial community with economical and safe energy.
Gas & Water Department Head | Adam Lavendar
Human Resources | 229-567-3431 | 259 East Washington Avenue Ashburn Ga, 31714
- Administer compensation, benefits and performance management systems, and safety and recreation programs.
- Identify staff vacancies and recruit, interview and select applicants.
- Allocate human resources, ensuring appropriate matches between personnel.
- Provide current and prospective employees with information about policies, job duties, working conditions, wages and opportunities for promotion and employee benefits.
- Perform difficult staffing duties, including dealing with under staffing, refereeing disputes, firing employees, and administering disciplinary procedures.
- Advise managers on organizational policy matters such as equal employment opportunity and sexual harassment, and recommend needed changes.
Human Resources Technician | Diannah Stafford

Public Works | 229-947-7020 | 291 Mill Street Ashburn Ga, 31714
Grass cutting on right-of-ways and city properties, litter pickup, sign replacements, street patching, cemetery maintenance and sidewalk repairs take many man hours annually. The staff has adopted a goal of efficiency, cost effectiveness and highest quality work.
Public Works Superintendent | Sam Hampton
Vehicle Maintenance | 229-567-2820 | 291 Mill Street Ashburn Ga, 31714
The City of Ashburn‘s vehicle maintenance team takes care of the rolling stock of the city’s fleet. Preventive maintenance and repairs are their daily routine. Heavy equipment, trucks, cars, and lawn mowers have to be maintained to keep the other departments able to handle their daily activities. Improvements to the shop include an aldditional storage shed to house the fleet units, upgraded equipment, and general cleanup.

Wastewater Management | 229-567-3431 | 259 East Washington Avenue Ashburn Ga, 31714
Ashburn’s Wastewater Management is headed on by Wayne-Miller, Inc who operates the plant, performs compliance lab tests, handles preventive maintenance, monitors and maintains all lift stations. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is a twin basin SBR biological treatment facility. The plant is permitted at 1.16 MGD per day, operates at approximately at 60% of load capacity, and is expandable. It will allow for continual growth for the City of Ashburn.