Mayor Sandra Lumpkin
Mayor Sandra J Lumpkin has served in local government for the City of Ashburn Ga. for over forty years. She started out in customer’s service where she served for ten years. Later she moved to the City Clerk position where she served for over twenty years. She also served on the council as a city council member for nine years. She now serves as the Mayor of Ashburn, Ga. as of November 2016 elections. Mayor Lumpkin also serves on many other boards and participate with many other groups and organizations in Ashburn, Ga. She is the wife of Dorsey Lumpkin. She also has two daughters and four grand children.

City Council

The City Council holds monthly meetings (the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm, at City Hall) to pass local ordinances, set policy, and hear reports from the staff. Council members are elected at large, and serve four year terms. Elections are to be held every other year to elect three members of the group.
Appointees who advise the City Council include: the City Attorney, City Manager, Department Heads, City Auditor, City Judge, and members of various committees and boards. The Mayor serves on numerous boards by virtue of her position. Each year, the Mayor and City Council must approve the annual operating budget that includes the appropriations for each department and their work plan for next fiscal period.
City Council Members

Sheldon Smith
John Burgess
Jermaine Rockwell
Corey Jordan
Andrea Pierce
City Auditor

Justin Johnson
Mauldin & Jenkins LLC was hired by the City Council to audit the records and financial transactions of the city on an annual basis. Compliance to standards and practices prescribed by the national organizations that set “generally accepted accounting practices” is part of the process. Verifications of major transactions, spot checking, budget compliance, and verifications of grant expenditures are completed as required procedures of these audits.
City Clerk

Amanda G. Hill
City Hall handles about 1,000,000 individual transactions each year. These include the monthly processing of utility billing and payments, tax billings and payments, business license processing, purchasing, accounts payable, payroll, and miscellaneous transactions. Citizen and customer inquiries, complaints, and calls are part of the daily routine.